Dry Cleaners: Happy Thanksgiving!

Mon, Nov 25, 2013


My favorite holiday is this Thursday–Thanksgiving!

You Canadians had yours last month. And others around the world, I’m sure you have this holiday too.

This is the time of year that you should really focus on giving thanks.

First of all, you’re alive! And you’re in business for yourself. (and if you’re not, you want to be)Less than 3% of the population can say
that. Give thanks to you, your business and your abilities!

You’ve beat the odds. You’re a business owner and a successful one at that–maybe not at the level you want, but you’re still kicking and working hard to get your business to the next level.

If you’re standing still, you’re going backwards. You should always be working to make some part of your business better.

Think of all in your life that you’re blessed to have: your family, your friends, your customers and everyone else that touches and you touch in your life. You should be waking up with a smile on your face every morning with what’s going on in your life.

If you’re not–just start smiling right now! Are you smiling? I am! (I’ve got a big ass smirk on my face as I write this. It’s 5:32am and I’m in a Starbucks in Toronto, Canada. It’s freezing outside and I’m all cozy’d up writing to you–I’m happy as a clam)

If you give thanks and count your blessings everyday, your life will go places you’ve never imagined. It all starts with a simple, “Thank You”!

I catch myself during each and every day reminded by a smell, a site or a thought, giving thanks and counting my blessings. I stop and just take a minute or so and recognize the moment. I guess you could call it a “moment of thanks”.

Anyway, before I start sobbing, I’d better finish this up.

I am very thankful for YOU! You allow me to do what I really love to do.

Thank you!

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